Mauricio Domenzain - Direct Selling News The News You Need. The Name You Trust. Wed, 01 Nov 2023 15:31:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mauricio Domenzain - Direct Selling News 32 32 Hispanic Market is booming Wed, 01 Nov 2023 07:40:00 +0000 In Mexico alone, the direct selling market is projected to surge to $19.48 billion by 2028. That staggering number doesn’t include the more than 60 million Latinos living and working within the US, or the fact that direct selling is already a staple for the Latin American population, where a quarter of beauty and personal care sales take place through a direct selling relationship (compared to eight percent globally).

The post Hispanic Market is booming first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Are You Keeping Pace?

Building a smart international expansion strategy means looking for momentum-building markets with untapped growth potential. In 2024, that indisputably includes the Hispanic and Latino markets.

In Mexico alone, the direct selling market is projected to surge to $19.48 billion by 2028. That staggering number doesn’t include the more than 60 million Latinos living and working within the US, or the fact that direct selling is already a staple for the Latin American population, where a quarter of beauty and personal care sales take place through a direct selling relationship (compared to eight percent globally).

Happy latin women laughing and hugging each other outdoor in the city
Sabrina Bracher/

“Latinos in the United States represent a larger consumption market than the entire economy of nations like Italy, Canada or Russia,” shared Judith Sanchez Lopez, PM-International General Manager, Latin America. “If Latinos living in the United States were an independent country, the US Latino GDP would be the fifth largest GDP in the world, larger than the GDPs of India, the United Kingdom or France.”

There are a number of direct selling companies who have already captivated the Hispanic and Latino markets and are thriving. There are two distinct scenarios at play here: US-based companies that are dominating in Hispanic markets and foreign-based companies doing the same.

DSN 2023 Bravo Growth Award winner Princess House successfully serves this corner of the US market. Other examples include 4Life, Hy Cite, Immunotec and relative newcomer ACTIVZ. These companies are also strong in other Spanish-speaking markets.

Betterware de Mexico and Omnilife are based in Mexico and making huge strides in that market and throughout the region.

It could be tempting to assume that the same strategies and approaches that work for US customers would be a fit for the Hispanic population living within the US, or even the neighboring Latin American populations, but that assumption is a sure-fire way to fail. Ignoring the unique communication styles of each individual market is not only ineffective, it’s disrespectful. There are cultural sensitivities that should be honored; product preferences that need to be prioritized; and local talent that deserve to be elevated to leadership.

“Companies that want to be successful need to stop making Latin American countries an extension of their current market,” said Mauricio Domenzain, Immunotec Chief Executive Officer. “By that, I mean you really need to commit to the market. We can’t simply send one manager to Latin America now and then wait to see if it’s going to work or not. It’s a full commitment, not just the addition of another flag on your wall or your website. You have to truly become part of that market to understand the cultural needs.”

Copy and Paste Isn’t a Strategy

What works in the United States doesn’t automatically translate to success on a global scale. That goes for products, but it’s also a good rule to live by when it comes to communication, marketing materials and events. For companies founded in the US or who predominantly operate within the US, expanding to include Spanish-speaking consumers is not as simple as hiring a translator or relying on Google Translate. These translations are often choppy, with no regard for local idioms or speaking rhythms.

Solving for this pain point has been a game changer for brands like 4Life, who overhauled their communication process to treat Spanish as its own first language rather than relying entirely on English. The company now enlists two separate content creator teams, one who is primarily English-speaking and one who is primarily Spanish-speaking, to design materials. The end result prevents poor translations that damage credibility.

“If you go to our convention, we are 80-85 percent Hispanic,” said Brian Gill, 4Life Chief Marketing Officer. “Five years ago, out of respect, we stopped translating English to Spanish. It’s not enough to have great translators. A Hispanic whose primary language is Spanish should be the one creating our materials. It’s about empowering the affiliate to share the brand, and a poor translation is not a credible connection they are proud to share.”

Homogenous, hand-me-down resources communicate the message that international markets are inferior, less valuable and unappreciated. Conversely, when companies allocate the resources and staff necessary to maintain and develop a culturally relevant, localized brand with tools that take local language, lifestyle and history into consideration, customers and distributors take note. A successful entry into Hispanic and Latino markets is one that allows the population to embrace entrepreneurial opportunity while preserving its own cultural DNA.

“Entering the Hispanic market was not secondary or an afterthought; it was our primary thought,” said David Brown, ACTIVZ Chief Executive Officer. “Our Spanish-speaking distributors are constantly amazed that they get new products and materials first and that they weren’t translated from English. Everyone responds well to attention and responsiveness, and that’s probably the secret to our success.”

Honor Culture Past and Present

Family is a core value for the Hispanic and Latin American markets, and consumers in these demographics typically have great reverence for their parents and their tightly-knit communities. The US ethos of independent, self-made success doesn’t land the same within these cultures, so even well-intentioned corporate leaders commissioned from the company’s US headquarters could get off on the wrong foot without realizing it.

“It’s not only the language, but it’s also the culture that you need to understand,” explained Domenzain. “You need to have people on the ground—people directly from those markets—who understand and can serve that market the correct way.”

Leaders also need to consider how each new generation brings their own energy and inspiration to the foundational values of the Hispanic and Latin American cultures. From a corporate standpoint, that means being willing to adjust the speed and style of work. Omnilife addressed this generational evolution by implementing a shift from graphic design to a focus on social media, leaving behind big format printing in favor of video and digital formats and encouraging all of its departments to embrace the Gen Z style of work, which is quick to adapt to change.

“We are integrating younger generations into our corporate team, and that has helped make us relevant,” said Eduardo Ros, Omnilife Marketing Manager. “Our communications and packaging have become younger. We have received testimonies from people in Ecuador and Peru who tell us that working with second- and third-generation distributors who are younger has helped them see how best to take advantage of this opportunity and approach the business differently.”

Recognize the Uniqueness of Each Market

Each country and community has its own unique traditions and habits, and the Latin American market is no exception. There is no one-size-fits-all approach that would respectfully reach this vast audience, and it’s important to remember that there are distinctions among the adjectives often used to describe this diverse group of cultures within and outside of the US. The word Hispanic describes Spanish speakers, including those living within the US and Spain, while Latinos is reserved for those living within Latin America, including Brazil, where Portuguese is the official national language.

“Hispanics in the US are not a monolith,” Sanchez Lopez said. “They are a combination of countries, cultures, slang, levels of acculturation and generations. You need to decide who you want to target, understand what sets them apart and then ask yourself if your company is communicating and interacting in a way that respects their cultural differences and strongest drivers.”

For companies with a broad footprint across countries with similar but distinct cultures, discovering what makes each market tick is critical to securing healthy, welcomed growth among distributors and potential customers. Hy Cite, for example, courts Latinos in eight different countries, including the US and Brazil. Efficiency is incredibly important, so the company harmonizes its content, but it also takes care to modify even the smallest details to communicate that each individual market matters.

“The way we present our products changes depending on the audience,” said Paulo Moledo, Hy Cite President and Chief Executive Officer. “Our recipes used on social media, for instance, feature arepas in Colombia and tacos in Mexico. We also pay attention to our call center services. We learned the hard way that the agent accent speaking to customers from different markets is an important variable.”

Moledo also emphasizes the significance of making sure corporate expresses with actions that they value distributors’ wellbeing just as much as their earning opportunity. For Hy Cite, that means facilitating a close relationship between executives and top leaders; leaning into recognition; and designing ways for distributors and customers to voice their opinions and experiences.

“Latinos, more than most, need to feel heard,” Moledo said. “As fast as we could after the pandemic, we started having events, conventions and meetings with independent distributors, and the attendance has been outstanding. We invest more today in events than we did pre-pandemic, but the return on that personal, face-to-face touch is great.”

Operating with inclusion and respect as the highest priorities is non-negotiable. It’s imperative that companies take the extra steps to ensure the opportunity they are presenting is tailor-made for the audience receiving it, and that their presence improves the quality of life for the people who call that country home. When diversity of backgrounds and ways of doing business are treated with dignity and honor, executives who have successfully built bridges into the Latino and Hispanic cultures say there is a shared entrepreneurial spirit that transcends language barriers and countries of origin.

“It doesn’t matter what language you speak or what country you’re in, everyone is looking for the same thing,” Domenzain said. “To be a part of something bigger than yourself.”

From the November 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post Hispanic Market is booming first appeared on Direct Selling News.

2021 Direct Selling University / A Game-Changing Week Fri, 11 Jun 2021 21:58:42 +0000 Some of the industry’s most powerful and esteemed leaders came together to share their proven business strategies and cast vision for the future of the channel.

The post 2021 Direct Selling University / A Game-Changing Week first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Some of the industry’s most powerful and esteemed leaders came together to share their proven business strategies and cast vision for the future of the channel.
Stuart Johnson
Stuart Johnson, Founder & CEO, Direct Selling News, NOW Technologies, Direct Selling Capital Advisors

It was a record-breaking year for the direct selling industry, with the top ten companies on the DSN Global 100 list alone growing more than $3 billion in 2020. So, it was fitting that this year’s all-virtual Direct Selling University matched that energy and enthusiasm with a record number of participants and more than 3,000 views during the initial broadcast.

But this year was not without challenges, and in what felt like a behind-the-scenes masterclass, more than 40 speakers shared powerful data-backed presentations with Direct Selling University participants, offering insight into how some of the biggest brands and most respected names in the channel drove growth and identified new opportunities while navigating uncertainty.

Candace Matthews
Candace Matthews, Chief Reputation Officer, Amway

“2020, for all its challenges and volatility, ultimately proved itself to be a year of opportunity, transformation and growth for direct selling,” said Stuart Johnson, Founder and CEO of Direct Selling News, NOW Technologies and Direct Selling Capital Advisors. “I believe the channel has an immediate and permanent opportunity to become more mainstream if we can continue to tell our story of powerful exclusive products and a part-time, flexible opportunity in an honest, compelling and relatable way—a way that is both aspirational and attainable.”

Suze Orman
Suze Orman, New York Times #1 Best-Selling Personal Finance Expert, Author and Speaker

The challenges of leading during a pandemic are surely not over, but as the channel continues to outperform many categories within the retail market and its own revenue history, many leaders see continued growth and security on the horizon.

“I’ve been a partner of this channel for over 35 years, and I am more optimistic about the future today than ever before,” Johnson said. “Direct selling ticks all the boxes for today’s aspiring entrepreneurs, and if we continue to move toward the innovations that have allowed us to grow and discard the practices that have held us back, our future really does look bright.”

Executives and Thought Leaders: Leading by Example

Jason Dorsey
Jason Dorsey, Gen Z & Millennials Speaker, Expert & Researcher

More than their pandemic response, direct selling executives and leaders are being called to address important societal issues through their companies and brand messaging. To offer insight into how Amway—the industry’s long-time leader—is tackling important social justice issues and addressing racism, as well as enhancing its sustainability initiatives, Amway’s Chief Reputation Officer Candace Matthews kicked off the event with practical and timely guidance for leaders.

Amber Olson Rourke
Amber Olson Rourke, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing & Sales Officer, Neora

“When we all become comfortable with being uncomfortable, that is when we can further important yet difficult conversations,” Matthews said in her presentation. “And it will take all of us to impact change. [We] must include all people and all perspectives to create a culture where we learn and grow from each other.”

In the presentations that followed, speakers sought to meet that goal by not shying away from the lessons learned through failures or complicated histories and sharing the strategies they’ve used to develop brands built on transparency, honesty and opportunity that serve those seeking an entrepreneurial path.

Orville & Heidi Thompson, Co-Founders and Co-CEOs, Scentsy
  • Candace Matthews, Chief Reputation Officer, Amway, pointed to the ways the company is taking social justice seriously to create a more inclusive, compassionate future. Matthews also highlighted how sustainability initiatives are becoming a deciding factor for consumers.
  • Orville & Heidi Thompson, Co-Founders and Co-CEOs, Scentsy, discussed how they designed a succession plan as they prepare for a three-year absence from Scentsy and how a “culture audit” can create context and understanding for companies seeking a similar, seamless transition.
  • Logan Stout, Founder and CEO, IDLife, talked about the five stages we all go through, from the honeymoon phase to success, and explained why leading by example and preparing teams for adversity are crucial steps for leaders.
  • Katy Holt-Larsen, President, Kyäni, shared how the company’s history of resilience and adaptability served them well amid the uncertainty of 2020 and how a partnership with the field built on mutual respect can develop an unwavering stability that allows companies to ride out volatility.
  • Jason Dorsey, Gen Z & Millennials Speaker, Expert & Researcher, shared his Gen Z research and busted generational myths to help executives make data-driven decisions and adapt messaging to attract new distributors.
  • Stuart Johnson, Founder & CEO, Direct Selling News, NOW Technologies, Direct Selling Capital Advisors, delivered the event’s keynote message, analyzing the industry’s successes and challenges and how to leverage the opportunities of the industry’s momentum to create a successful future grounded in integrity and honesty.
  • Glenn Sanford, Founder and CEO, eXp Realty & CEO, SUCCESS, in an interview with Josh Ellis, Editor-in-Chief of SUCCESS magazine, shared his vision for how he plans to steward the assets of the SUCCESS brand and the power of personal development in the life of entrepreneurs.
  • Noah Westerlund, SVP Business Development, NOW Technologies, described how to use technology, digital tools and sampling to create a rhythm of core behaviors for distributors that drives engagement, growth and sales.
  • John Sanders, Founding Partner, Winston & Strawn, LLP, taught a detailed and in-depth class on the five key elements executives must focus on to protect themselves and their brands from civil litigation and FTC scrutiny.
  • Suze Orman, New York Times #1 Best-Selling Personal Finance Expert, Author and Speaker, taught how people can regain control of their money, erase the shame associated with debt and build a powerful financial future.
  • Kindra Hall, Author, Speaker and Chief Storytelling Officer, SUCCESS, shared how learning to uncover the negative stories we tell ourselves can provide the empowerment necessary to bust limiting beliefs and instill motivation to build a pathway to success.
  • Wayne Moorehead, Marketing, Strategy & Branding Direct-to-Consumer Industry Expert, explained how leaders can update and control their company’s narrative through relevant brand messaging and strategic campaigns that engage customers.
  • Amber Olson Rourke, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing & Sales Officer, Neora, detailed how Neora’s leadership navigated their complex legal history with the FTC and how sticking to their core values and delivering on their promises to customers and distributors has helped them weather the storm.
  • Rayner Urdaneta, CEO, MONAT, detailed the three “C’s” of continued growth—culture, customers and consistency—and explained how confusion is the enemy of growth.
  • Michele Gay, Co-Founder & Chairwoman, LimeLife by Alcone, shared her experience helping female distributors stop sabotaging their businesses by embracing empowerment, tackling their negative financial thoughts and developing a growth mindset.
  • David Vanderveen, Senior Executive, International Strategy, It Works!, outlined how the industry can blend the value of the direct-to-consumer model with direct selling to support distributors, build a loyal customer base and transform how the world views the industry.
  • Amelia Warren, CEO, Epicure, explained how her company’s pandemic pivot to online cooking classes and product launches combined with increased engagement with their sales force resulted in exponential growth.
  • Garrett McGrath, President, ANMP, illustrated how to collaborate with the field in a way that creates a synergistic approach to new ideas, generates more enthusiasm and greater buy-in, and accounts for the generational preferences that impact communication.
  • Gloria Mayfield Banks, #1 Elite Executive National Sales Director, Mary Kay, talked about the ten principles she used to create the number one team in Mary Kay while helping women become confident, loyal and ambitious.
  • Sinan Tuna, CEO, Farmasi, described the lessons he learned as the company expanded from Turkey into the United States, and how Farmasi became one of the fastest-growing direct selling startups in the country.
  • Travis Garza, President, Sales & Marketing, Plexus, pointed out the industry’s natural gifting for adaptation and why staying focused on innovation is essential for direct selling companies to continue to evolve and grow post-pandemic.
  • Lynne Coté, President & CEO, Princess House, explained the process of realigning the company’s vision and how decisively taking action in the midst of the chaos and crisis of 2020 led to the company’s most successful year to date.
  • Ami Perry, VP of Business Development, NOW Technologies, shared the findings from the company’s recent in-depth behavioral psychology study and demonstrated how the NOW platform leverages rewards, connection and a personalized e-commerce experience to create lasting, positive habits for distributors.
  • Mauricio Domenzain, CEO, Immunotec, was interviewed by Heather Chastain, CEO & Founder, Bridgehead Collective and explained how Immunotec accommodates constant adaptation to prepare for sustainable growth while staying focused on the company’s goals.
  • Alexy Goldstein, Founder & CEO, New U Life, interviewed by Steve Perkins, VP of Sales, New U Life, shared how the direct selling industry proved to be the most efficient line of communication to share New U Life product and testimonial stories that he believes can change lives.
  • Randy Mathews, VP Global Compliance & Service Centers, Juice Plus, outlined the three elements that Juice Plus has leveraged to bolster its success and ensure its longevity: timing, clinical research and a narrow product focus.
  • Debbie Bolton, Co-Founder, Norwex, shared her passion for a commitment to the Norwex core values and how companies can develop their own clear purpose to attract and retain the best people.
  • Rita Davenport, Award-Winning Speaker, Author and Former President of Arbonne, explained how developing a culture of recognition and appreciation through gifts, personal connection and extravagant kindness are essential for a healthy business.
  • Nathan Moore, President, North America, Mary Kay, shared how Mary Kay’s digital resources and virtual events have instigated a renewed energy and optimism within its sales force and how direct selling can leverage its strengths to become more relevant than traditional retail in this unique time.
  • Melodie Nakhle, Managing Director Europe, Southern Africa, Australia & New Zealand, Amway, offered the findings from the Amway Global Entrepreneurship Report and explained how the company is using that data to design its strategies for success, including creating digitization solutions, driving social commerce, focusing on health and wellness, and providing supplemental income opportunities for entrepreneurs.
  • Ray Higdon, CEO & Best-Selling Author, Higdon Group, gave executives advice on how to simplify social media training, build their online brand by generating good press and design incentives that engage even inactive distributors.
  • Russ Fletcher, CEO, Xyngular, talked about how to choose and articulate the right core values and then lead an organization that authentically abides by them in both good times and bad.
  • Jill Blashack Strahan, Founder & CEO, Tastefully Simple, talked about how to lead throughout the highs and lows of business, including making painful decisions and leaps of faith to drive profits and help employees and distributors thrive.
  • Michael “Hutch” Hutchison, Founder & CEO, inCruises, shared his journey to creating an affordable vacation movement and how inCruises weathered the challenges of the worst year on record for travel through focusing on progress, ingenuity and determination.
  • Miguel Fernandez, CEO, Tupperware, explained how technology has been a game-changer for Tupperware and how they are concentrating on the company’s founding commitments to drive its plans and nurture its relevance in the future.
David Vanderveen
David Vanderveen, Senior Executive, International Strategy, It Works!

This year DSU debuted an exclusive interview series featuring six industry LEGENDS, each with more than 50 years of experience in the channel—they have seen (and accomplished) it all! The Legends shared all their knowledge, insights and hopes for the future in a series of exclusive videos produced by Direct Selling News and hosted by Legends honoree John Fleming.

Videos and Podcasts of the LEGENDS series can be found under Listen & Watch.

  • Jerry Brassfield, Direct Selling LEGEND, NeoLife International, shared how he implemented the philosophy of “love your neighbor, and that means everybody” over the course of his more than five-decade career, and why more regulations can help the industry be an even greater “force for good.”
  • John Fleming, Direct Selling LEGEND, Avon & Direct Selling News, turned to his more than five decades of experience in the industry, and his research within the gig economy, to cast vision for ways the industry can reduce complexity and make the opportunity more appealing than ever.
  • Stan Fredrick, Direct Selling LEGEND, Mannatech, Wine Shop, Saladmaster & Colesce Couture, reflected on more than 50 years of experience in the industry and how he views direct selling as a teacher that instructs people to develop the fundamental skills of influence, persuasion and leadership that are necessary for success.
  • Rick Goings, Direct Selling LEGEND, Avon & Tupperware, shared lessons learned from his more than 50 years of experience in the industry and how it was his face plants and flops, rather than his accomplishments, that proved to be his most valuable drivers of success.
  • Rudy Revak, Direct Selling LEGEND, Xyngular & PUREhaven, reflected on the opportunity he saw in direct selling when he began more than 50 years ago and how that opportunity is still vibrant today.
  • Larry Thompson, Direct Selling LEGEND, Herbalife & PM-International, reflected on the ways he has seen the industry adapt over the last five decades and how making quick decisions to stay ahead of the curve will be key to staying relevant and competitive.

SAVE THE DATE: Direct Selling University Fall 2021 will be a hybrid event, featuring an in-person conference at the Renaissance Legacy West in Plano, Texas, October 14-15!

From the June 2021 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post 2021 Direct Selling University / A Game-Changing Week first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Immunotec Conference Focuses on Unlimited Success Thu, 14 Mar 2019 15:55:31 +0000 Immunotec’s recent Latin American conference offered a glimpse of the company’s future for its Consultants, corporate team and stakeholders. The “Conferencia Sin Limites 2019” (Unlimited Conference 2019) held at the Expo Santa Fe in Mexico City attracted 6,500 Independent Consultants, breaking the previous high of 2,670 set last year in Mexico. “2018 was a year […]

The post Immunotec Conference Focuses on Unlimited Success first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Immunotec’s recent Latin American conference offered a glimpse of the company’s future for its Consultants, corporate team and stakeholders.

The “Conferencia Sin Limites 2019” (Unlimited Conference 2019) held at the Expo Santa Fe in Mexico City attracted 6,500 Independent Consultants, breaking the previous high of 2,670 set last year in Mexico.

“2018 was a year of rapid and dynamic change for Immunotec,” said CEO Mauricio Domenzain. “Our mission now is to focus on the specific things we need to do to create an exciting future. The theme of our conference was chosen to signify that we are now positioned to achieve unlimited success. We are not inspired to be the biggest company; what inspires us is to be the best. A core component of our philosophy is that even though we operate in eight countries, Immunotec is one big family, and we were thrilled to see so many people from across the Immunotec world express their happiness and enthusiasm for our vision and their commitment to their Immunotec businesses.”

One of the conference’s highlights was an appearance by internationally acclaimed author and motivational speaker, Chris Gardner, whose life was the subject of the Oscar-nominated 2006 movie The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith.

Immunotec develops and manufactures research-driven nutritional products. The company markets and sells its products through its network of independent consultants in Canada, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Ireland, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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Immunotec Expands into Colombia Thu, 18 Oct 2018 15:53:02 +0000 Six months after expanding into Guatemala, Immunotec has officially opened for business in Colombia. A grand opening event was recently held in the heart of Bogotá, Colombia’s capital city, attracting over 4,000 enthusiastic attendees. Immunotec CEO Mauricio Domenzain and Meredith Berkich, president of North America and Europe, attended the event. “We’re tremendously excited to bring […]

The post Immunotec Expands into Colombia first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Six months after expanding into Guatemala, Immunotec has officially opened for business in Colombia.

A grand opening event was recently held in the heart of Bogotá, Colombia’s capital city, attracting over 4,000 enthusiastic attendees. Immunotec CEO Mauricio Domenzain and Meredith Berkich, president of North America and Europe, attended the event.

“We’re tremendously excited to bring the Immunotec opportunity to the people of Colombia,” said Domenzain. “Their legendary warmth, passion and enthusiasm was on full display at our event. The entire Immunotec team and our field leaders are so proud to open up for business in Colombia. It’s a market I’ve always believed was perfect for Immunotec and our flagship product, Immunocal. Now we are here, and I cannot wait to see the energy that lit up our launch event change lives across the country.”

Domenzain led the private equity purchase of Immunotec that was completed in June 2017 (the company had been publicly traded on Canada’s TSX Venture Stock Exchange since 2007) and has made key changes to corporate leadership, including the recent addition of seasoned industry executives Mario Leyva as vice president of Latin America and director of Mexico, and Connie Galofre as country manager for Colombia.

Founded in 1996 with offices in Montreal, Mexico City and Houston, Immunotec now has a network of independent consultants in Canada, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Ireland, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States. The company plans to continue the momentum with expansion into other Latin American markets in 2019.

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Immunotec: A Celebration of Science and Happiness Fri, 06 Apr 2018 14:03:32 +0000 Immunotec has quite a compelling story to tell. Its 20-year history is rooted in groundbreaking scientific research and product innovation, which began 40 years ago in Canada. Immunotec Founded: 1996 Headquarters: Vaudreuil-Dorion, Canada Top Executive: CEO, Mauricio Domenzain 2017 Revenue: $101.5 Million Products: Immune-Boosting Supplements But the story isn’t over—by a longshot, according to new CEO Mauricio Domenzain. A […]

The post Immunotec: A Celebration of Science and Happiness first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Immunotec has quite a compelling story to tell. Its 20-year history is rooted in groundbreaking scientific research and product innovation, which began 40 years ago in Canada.
Founded: 1996
Headquarters: Vaudreuil-Dorion, Canada
Top Executive: CEO, Mauricio Domenzain
2017 Revenue: $101.5 Million
Products: Immune-Boosting Supplements

But the story isn’t over—by a longshot, according to new CEO Mauricio Domenzain. A big dose of personality and focus on culture is setting the company up for its next chapter of success.

Immunotec was actually founded as Immunotec Research in 1996. It was born out of the work of medical researcher Dr. Gustavo Bounous. In 1978, Bounous initiated a novel program in conjunction with colleagues from the McGill University Faculty of Medicine in Montreal, including Dr. Patricia Kongshavn, to search for a dietary protein source that would boost the immune system. The process took 15 years, but it led to the development of a high-quality, bioactive material given the name Immunocal, which helped to sustain normal glutathione (antioxidant) levels.

By the mid-1990s, the scientists had teamed up with veteran network marketing entrepreneurs to found the company now known to the world as Immunotec.

Mauricio Domenzain

Mauricio Domenzain

Helping People Live Better through Science

The company’s two flagship products, Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum, have been widely used by many for more than two decades, and the company can boast that its flagship product is backed by an ever-increasing number of clinical studies. It’s even listed in the prestigious Physician’s Desk Reference, the comprehensive drug reference book used by doctors, nurses and pharmacists.

Scientific credibility and superior quality are fundamental to the company’s brand DNA and are reflected in the tagline: The Science of Living Better. According to Mimi Cohen, vice president of marketing, “This tagline also speaks to our exceptional business opportunity that is designed to help people live better. Immunotec’s powerful combination of scientifically proven products and generous compensation plan is our unique selling proposition.”

Immunotec currently operates in six markets worldwide: Canada, Mexico, United States, Dominican Republic, Ireland and the United Kingdom. Two other markets in Latin America will open in 2018, with Guatemala this month. “Increasing our footprint in the Americas and beyond is perfectly in line with our ultimate mission encompassing 40 years of research, to educate people in the Science of Living Better,” says President of Immunotec USA Meredith Berkich. “The incredibly strong connection between the Consultants in different countries creates a high level of enthusiasm and engagement, which is behind the more than 50 percent increases in sponsorship month over month, double-digit growth year over year, and what drove sales beyond the $100 million annual revenue mark in 2017 for the first time in the company’s 20-year history.”

Meet Mauricio, Immunotec’s New CEO

Another milestone was when the company was acquired in May 2017 by Immuno Holding, a company led by Mauricio Domenzain, who was a former top executive of a prominent global direct selling company, with relevant expertise in the Mexican and U.S. markets and a passion for the network marketing channel.

“I am passionate about quality, and part of ensuring you have quality products, operations and customer service is to question everything. There are no sacred cows.”
—Mauricio Domenzain, CEO, Immunotec

His interest in Immunotec was immediate, because of its solid foundation and years of commitment to scientific discovery. “There aren’t very many companies that can say they have 40 years of experience in research and development,” says Domenzain. “I was looking for a company that aligns with my values, culture and vision, and saw huge potential in Immunotec. In addition, what I mainly fell in love with was the amazing leadership. They are the best I’ve ever seen.”

Berkich, who Domenzain hired to help develop the North American market, says the company is equally enamored with Domenzain. “As people have described Mauricio’s entrance to me from both the field and corporate side they refer to him as a breath of fresh air,” she says. “All of a sudden it wasn’t just about the science, which can be an intimidating topic to talk about, and he has really brought a profoundly human element to the company that everybody can feel, and everyone is excited about.”

Berkich says consultants who have been working the business for the past 10 to 20 years—some who have been dormant for years—have been inspired not only with his leadership style, but more importantly the cheerful enthusiasm he is bringing to the company and emphasis on choosing to be happy. “A lot of the reason why people aren’t happy is because they’re so overwhelmed with fear and worry,” says Berkich. “And we all know that network marketing is the place where freedom can happen if you apply yourself and work hard.”

Domenzain says his first focus is establishing a culture, which he feels the corporate office and field are welcoming with open arms. “It can sound a little bit cheesy I know, but I truly believe that if you are happy you can perform to your best ability.”

Immunotec’s Mauricio Domenzain (left) and Meredith Berkich recognize consultants during the company’s recent awards and convention.

The seeds of his cheery optimism comes from his father, who he says never showed any resentment or negativity, even when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which took his life when Domenzain was just 26. “He was always enthusiastic, and people loved to be around him,” he says. “He would always say to me, ‘keep smiling, life is good, so celebrate with me.’ I’m trying to share this culture of happiness and celebration, but with results driven by action.”

It’s Domenzain’s focus on creating an emotional connection and a true partnership with the field that guides Immunotec. “We have incredibly talented and inspiring individuals on our corporate team who care about each other and our consultants,” he says. “It is vitally important we treat our people with the highest level of respect so they know how much we appreciate them.”

It’s a Celebration, Not Just Recognition

The new culture was on full display at Immunotec’s recent annual convention this February, appropriately themed Be Spectacular. Domenzain told the corporate team he has great plans for such events with not only recognition of people onstage for their accomplishments, but everyone celebrating those accomplishments right along with them as a family.

With the science engine and research division driving development from Montreal, the company is opening a new call center in Mexico and committing major resources into expanding the U.S. market.

According to Domenzain, attendance for this recent event exceeded everyone’s wildest expectations, reaching a total of 4,500. Veteran consultants who hadn’t been to an event in a long time, as well as field leaders and new consultants alike, said it was the best convention they have ever attended. “That’s not just me saying that,” Domenzain says. “I’m using their words.” Other feedback he received from the field was that consultants loved the tone of the event and that there was a firm action plan in place.

One of the actions was to bring an experienced direct selling executive like Berkich onboard. “Meredith brings a lot of experience in the industry, a lot of wisdom and passion for network marketing, and it has made a big impact so far. The field is very happy she is with us,” he says. “We are committed, not only to quality products but to bringing quality people to the table.”

Question Everything

Part of this commitment included making it very clear he and the executive team would be going through every area of the business, department by department, asking tough questions like “will this activity help us accomplish our mission?” “does it tie into our culture?” and “does it lead us to a place of happiness, contribution and results-driven activity?”

“I am passionate about quality, and part of ensuring you have quality products, operations and customer service is to question everything. There are no sacred cows,” Domenzain says.
As Immunotec executives look at the competitive landscape of how people work and how they are competing with the likes of Uber and the continuation of the shared economy, they understand the need for a robust technology platform. This exercise has already paid dividends, says Berkich. “In phase one, we are finding that some of our technology needs updating in order for us to support where we need to be in the future, and to keep up with the trends we are experiencing in the industry.”

Expanding the North American Market

Although Immunotec was birthed in Canada, executives are making the necessary moves to become more present on a global scale. With the science engine and research division driving development from Montreal, the company is opening a new call center in Mexico and committing major resources into expanding the U.S. market. This is evidenced by the construction of a new facility in Houston, Texas, which is breaking ground this spring and will become the center of the company’s customer and consultant experience.

“Our new office in The Woodlands (Houston) will be a showcase for the celebration of the entrepreneurial spirit and the quest for happiness,” says Berkich. “We look forward to having a lot of blue carpet events where visitors can experience how much we value this industry that we are so proud to be a part of.”

Simplified Tools, Tied to Their Daily Activity

New Immunotec consultants enjoy top-level support from the corporate office in the form of a personalized e-commerce website, as well as professional sales tools to help them share the message of their products and opportunity.

This is another area of the business the Immunotec sales and marketing teams are reviewing with the field leadership, looking to streamline current tools into a more simplified system—something that ties into a consultant’s daily activity, especially that new consultant who is eager to get started. “We want to maximize those precious first 30 days of a new consultant joining the business,” says Cohen. “We want the tools to become a natural part of their daily life, an extension of their daily activities, not asking them to do anything that makes it feel awkward or strange.”

Company executives also are planning a tool summit later this year where they will invite field leaders to help them in assessing every single consultant tool to ensure the field is getting the results they are looking for. Executives are eager for feedback as well, so they can meet other needs and wants of consultants.

Immunotec executives stand on the event stage to honor consultants and guests.

Cultivating Learning and a Love of Science

Immunotec has a long and inspiring history of helping those in need, including their Immunotec Children’s Fund, the company’s philanthropic flagship, which was established to continue Dr. Gustavo Bounous’ dream of improving the lives of underserved and underprivileged children. In the last year the company gave $100,000 to two children’s causes and helped with disaster relief in Puerto Rico, Houston and Mexico City. “We are also taking a step back and looking at our philanthropic focus,” says Berkich. “Not only in our design will we continue to give to the causes that we have supported in the past, but we are looking at launching in the fall a new initiative that will align our company’s unique history.”

Education, learning and discovery are all pieces that make up the core of Immunotec, which makes focusing on future generations so important, says Berkich. That’s why Immunotec wants to extend its humanitarian support to provide resources that encourage children to pursue higher learning.

Commitment to Research and Development

Pick up the April 2018 issue here in which this article appeared.

One thing that will always continue at Immunotec is its commitment to innovation and development. “This was a research company before it was a network marketing company,” says Patrick Montpetit, chief financial officer. “With Mauricio’s leadership, we will continue to invest millions of dollars in research to help fulfill our promise of science helping people live better lives.”

The goal, says Domenzain, is not being the biggest company in relation to sales, but to be the gold standard when it comes to high-quality products as well as developing a culture of happiness and celebration throughout the company. “We will also continue the vision of Dr. Gustavo Bounous to have a box of Immunocal in every household in the world,” he says. “I know that’s a big dream, but if you don’t dream big you don’t succeed.”

The post Immunotec: A Celebration of Science and Happiness first appeared on Direct Selling News.

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Meredith Berkich Joins Immunotec as President of U.S. Business Thu, 07 Dec 2017 16:00:48 +0000 Quebec, Canada-based Immunotec Inc., a seller of nutrition, skincare and wellness products, recently announced that Meredith Berkich, the 25-year network marketing professional and two-time member of Direct Selling News’ Most Influential Women in Direct Selling, has joined its executive team to lead the U.S. business as President of Immunotec U.S. The announcement caps a year […]

The post Meredith Berkich Joins Immunotec as President of U.S. Business first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Quebec, Canada-based Immunotec Inc., a seller of nutrition, skincare and wellness products, recently announced that Meredith Berkich, the 25-year network marketing professional and two-time member of Direct Selling News’ Most Influential Women in Direct Selling, has joined its executive team to lead the U.S. business as President of Immunotec U.S.

The announcement caps a year of change for the company which, only six months ago, transitioned from publicly traded to privately owned in an acquisition initiative led by Mauricio Domenzain, now Immunotec’s CEO.

“Meredith is a person with incredible passion for network marketing and deep expertise in all aspects of a fast-growth business environment, combined with a genuine love of people,” said Domenzain. “We have tasked ourselves with achieving rapid, substantial expansion in our U.S. business, and the addition of Meredith to Immunotec’s executive team gives us the proven leadership, driving force and personal dynamism we need to make it happen.”

Asked about the move to Immunotec, Berkich said, “When I met Mauricio I was immediately struck by his firm grasp of the complexities of the network marketing industry, his innovative and forward-thinking style, and his clear sense of vision for Immunotec. I have long-standing respect for the Immunotec brand and science, and I see incredible opportunity to contribute to Mauricio’s vision. The potential this company has to improve the human condition, globally, through its science-based products coupled with the business opportunity is an irresistible draw for me.”

Year-to-date, Immunotec has seen an increase of more than 30 percent in new Consultants year over year, blended across all markets, with Mexico in the forefront. Under the leadership of Berkich, Immunotec is now focused on achieving substantial growth in the U.S. market in 2018.

Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, with offices in Mexico City and Houston, Immunotec develops, manufactures, markets and sells research-driven nutritional products through its fast-growing network of independent consultants in Canada, the Dominican Republic, Ireland, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The post Meredith Berkich Joins Immunotec as President of U.S. Business first appeared on Direct Selling News.

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