Bridgehead Collective - Direct Selling News The News You Need. The Name You Trust. Thu, 28 Dec 2023 23:06:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bridgehead Collective - Direct Selling News 32 32 7 Top Takeaways for Executives from DSU Fall 2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 18:17:11 +0000 As always, DSU was jam-packed with amazing content from amazing speakers. My notebook was crammed with all kinds of great ideas, helpful stats and interesting approaches worth considering for my own business. I learned something new from every single presenter.

The post 7 Top Takeaways for Executives from DSU Fall 2023 first appeared on Direct Selling News.

As always, DSU was jam-packed with amazing content from amazing speakers. My notebook was crammed with all kinds of great ideas, helpful stats and interesting approaches worth considering for my own business. I learned something new from every single presenter.

But how do you turn all of that learning into action? The key is to pin down a handful of revelations that rose to the top, and then do something with them! In an effort to help us all take action, whether you were there or not, here are the next steps I would encourage any executive to take, inspired by Fall DSU 2023. 

1 / Get Serious About the Hispanic Market

The most blatantly clear takeaway from DSU was a lot of companies growing in the US have one thing in common: a commitment to the Hispanic market. This was a key point in about four different presentations. Whether you decide to target the Hispanic market or not, every executive needs to be intentional about how you’re thinking about this market, both globally and especially in the US.


2 / Simplify until It Hurts

John Alcala, CEO of It Works!, reminded us of just how much distributors have on their plates…and that’s before we add all of our stuff (promotions, incentives, announcements, launches…) to the mix! We all talk about simplifying our business, but do we really do it? To experience the kind of simplicity that actually prompts growth and duplication, you’ve got to shed some of the secondary “stuff” that only gets in the way for the average distributor. Go find it and do something about it.

3 / Experiment, Learn and Adapt

pawTree Founder and CEO Roger Morgan walked us through a few scenarios where the company identified a problem; came up with a possible solution; and launched quickly. Some worked well; some didn’t; and some only worked within very specific circumstances, but not others. The takeaways from his specific examples were helpful, but the biggest takeaway is this: am I tracking everything I do well enough to know if it works and why? And then do I keep iterating to see the improvement?

4 / Compare Your Business to Neora

A huge perk of DSU was hearing from Founder and CEO Jeff Olson and Co-CEO Deborah K. Heisz from Neora about their journey in their case against the FTC. The work they’ve done is so vital for every single one of us—both in terms of validating what we do and also shedding light on how we should do it. But in Stuart Johnson’s words, “If you’re still doing things the wrong way, this is not a win for you!” Deb shared some of the elements of Neora’s business (like 80 percent of those who buy from them are Customers and receive no commission) that strengthened their case. It’s in no way the hard-and-fast rule that must be followed, but if you need a standard to compare yourself against, it sounds like we just got a new one.

BLAKE MALLEN / President, Prüvit

5 / Start Using AI (whether you want to or not!)

I’ll admit I’ve been slow to jump on the AI bandwagon. It can feel a bit overwhelming to understand. And it can feel like “just one more thing,” when I’ve already got enough “things” in my life. But after listening to Blake Mallen and Brandon White talk about how they’re putting AI to use right now, I realized my excuses hold little weight compared to the unbelievable benefits that can come from incorporating AI into how I work and live. Rather than figure it all out, I’m simply dedicating 15 minutes a day to using AI in some form or fashion. It’s the only way I’ll learn it and appreciate it. Maybe you should, too.

6 / Success Is in the Segmentation

No single speaker focused on segmentation as a topic, but many alluded to it. Bridgehead Collective’s Founder and CEO Heather Chastain’s generational research certainly shines a bright light on the need for us to segment what we do. The panel on affiliate programs (and how different each program is) certainly showcases how companies are trying to segment the opportunity in new ways. We even learned of the differences among segments within the Hispanic market. We can all do a better job of segmentation. Whatever is holding you back—technology, resources, know-how, WHATEVER!—let’s make 2024 the year we do something about it.

7 / What We Do Still Matters

Vivian Mokome, Founder and CEO of Vivian Mokome Projects, shared a heartfelt reminder that direct selling changes lives…and, in her estimation, can change continents! She sees direct selling as a prominent force for change in Africa. We must evolve as a channel and respond to the market in terms of what it wants and how it wants it. But we cannot lose sight of the actual life changes that have occurred and continue to occur, no matter how tempted we may be to downplay it in the midst of so many changes. Remind yourself of the greater good your company pursues and provides regularly. There’s no other fuel like it.

Were there more takeaways at DSU? You bet!
This is just a starting place. If you were there, think back to the points above in context of your own experience and determine what makes sense for your company. If you weren’t there, this list can still prompt extremely helpful conversations for your team. And bring them to DSU 2024! DSN

Note from the Editorial Staff: We’re excited to include these insights from industry expert Brett Duncan. Look for more content from Brett in the coming months on the pages of DSN.

Brett Duncan specializes in helping direct selling companies evolve into modern social selling models while still maintaining the culture and essence of who they are and what makes them different. He is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Strategic Choice Partners, a business development firm that helps direct selling companies take their next steps.

From the December 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post 7 Top Takeaways for Executives from DSU Fall 2023 first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Insights from the Outside Fri, 01 Dec 2023 20:55:45 +0000 Ever wonder what expert consultants think about the channel? These highlights unwrap that mystery, giving you and your teams priceless insights from the outside. Wayne and his guests took a deep dive into the secrets of direct selling success: key shifts in messaging; the challenges that legacy companies must navigate; identifying the channels most valuable differentiators; the magic of simplification; and the significance of the recent Neora win.

The post Insights from the Outside first appeared on Direct Selling News.

The Direct Approach podcast, hosted by Wayne Moorehead, has quickly become a trusted resource for industry executives. Every two weeks, Wayne and his guests share their thoughts on the channel, examining what’s new, what’s now and what’s next in a frank and lively exchange.

One recent episode took this to the next level—and we wanted to make sure DSN’s readers had a chance to engage with this incredibly valuable information. Wayne was joined by a trio of industry experts: Paul Adams, Owner of Adams Resource Group; Bridgehead Collective Founder and CEO Heather Chastain; and Brett Duncan, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Strategic Choice Partners.

Ever wonder what expert consultants think about the channel? These highlights unwrap that mystery, giving you and your teams priceless insights from the outside. Wayne and his guests took a deep dive into the secrets of direct selling success: key shifts in messaging; the challenges that legacy companies must navigate; identifying the channels most valuable differentiators; the magic of simplification; and the significance of the recent Neora win. They also looked inside the channel’s crystal ball to predict what the future might hold.

With decades of experience working in various roles with direct selling companies, and as leading consultants, their expertise provides an invaluable resource for all industry executives.

Happy young adult group of friends youth culture concept

Key Shifts in Messaging

The consults agree: what the channel offers is something Young Millennials and Gen Z want. But it’s often packaged in a way that doesn’t resonate with them. Some of the key factors that this demographic is looking for include being able to monetize their influence on social, being a part of a community or movement and creating multiple streams of income. Sound familiar? What they don’t want is to build and manage a team. What’s inside the box remains enticing and relevant. It’s how the box is wrapped that has lost its charm. Promises of big money read as a scam—they are looking for multiple income streams and lower expectations for supplemental income.

Legacy Company Challenges

There exists within legacy companies a generational pull to not acknowledge or change to reflect the key shifts noted above. Direct selling must adapt to these changes or become irrelevant. It’s important to acknowledge that well-established field leaders found success doing things traditionally. It’s not realistic to expect them to embrace wholesale change without support and empathy. The work to facilitate this transition needs to come from the home office. It should be corporate’s role to steward this change by supporting established field leaders while still soliciting new ones. It’s also important for these established companies to own the often misguided and misleading messaging of the past and set more realistic expectations going forward.

Direct Selling’s Value Props

There is true alignment on what direct selling’s differentiators are. So what are the things that direct selling needs to lean into? Culture and community in the form of personal development, connection, mentorship and guidance. The channel has also taken huge strides in offering real products and services that people want. And sharing products with friends, family and followers is increasing in importance in purchasing decisions. Direct selling is the ultimate example of people selling to people in an authentic, organic way—free of gimmicks, scripts and pretension and full of genuine excitement and enthusiasm.

Keep It Simple

Customer experience continues to become more and more important as direct selling competes directly with DTC brands. The experience of onboarding also becomes more and more vital as aspiring entrepreneurs have multiple options on where to put their efforts. Direct selling tends to build unnecessary complexities into processes. The experts are united in their belief that those complexities come at a cost. There can be no extra steps, funnels or hoops to jump through. How to pay; how to join; how to get paid all must be streamlined and simplified.

Cheerful host with stubble streaming his audio podcast using microphone and laptop
Alex from the Rock/

What the Neora Ruling Really Means

The most important thing about the Neora ruling, according to the experts, was that it proves the model can be validated. The caveat to that is that if you aren’t doing the right things, this isn’t a victory for you. The Neora ruling will not lift regulatory scrutiny, but it will provide a blueprint for what companies need to achieve. Executives must familiarize themselves with the ruling and ask themselves the hard questions about whether their companies would hold up to the same scrutiny.

Future Forward

The group all agreed that more acquisitions and consolidations are on the horizon. They were also united in their opinion that FTC scrutiny will not be going away, and companies must make sure their values and practices align with the measuring stick provided in the Neora ruling. A final future insight was the need for companies to embrace the current culture and climate of change, including a laser focus on customer acquisition; offering real products with real value; and bringing new and younger people into the industry.

Listen to This!

We’ve just scratched the surface of the insights and insider tips shared in this episode. It’s an hour and a half you and your team simply can’t afford to miss. Listen to the episode in its entirety and to subscribe to Direct Approach and the full lineup of DSN podcasts.

From the December 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post Insights from the Outside first appeared on Direct Selling News.

DSU Fall 2022: Lessons for an Evolving channel Fri, 02 Dec 2022 18:24:06 +0000 Direct selling executives need insight and fresh ideas now more than ever before. In one of the most challenging years in direct selling history, leaders faced continued lockdowns in certain markets, changing consumer behaviors, a tense regulatory environment and lingering supply chain issues.

The post DSU Fall 2022: Lessons for an Evolving channel first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Hundreds of direct selling executives gathered in person and virtually to share game-changing insight of a channel in a state of transition.
Stuart Johnson
STUART JOHNSON / CEO of Direct Selling News, Direct Selling Partners & NOW Tech

Direct selling executives need insight and fresh ideas now more than ever before. In one of the most challenging years in direct selling history, leaders faced continued lockdowns in certain markets, changing consumer behaviors, a tense regulatory environment and lingering supply chain issues.

To provide practical solutions, Direct Selling University enlisted more than 25 of the industry’s leading executives to share unique perspectives and new approaches regarding some of the most complex issues facing the channel today.

We kicked off DSU with the CEO Forum, one of our highest rated events, and had 75 executives in the room representing $43 billion in revenue,” said Stuart Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Direct Selling News, Direct Selling Partners and NOW Tech. “We talked about omnichannel strategies, fighting field fatigue (our industry’s version of quiet quitting), attracting the next generation, industry reputation and the rise of affiliate models in the marketplace.”

Johnson cast vision for attendees, calling them to move beyond customer-centric thinking to becoming customer-obsessed. Following his lead, speakers provided tangible ways to improve customer conversion rates, improve salesforce morale, upgrade training systems, drive revenue and create authentic connection with customers.

“DSU gives leaders the chance to open their minds to a bigger picture,” Johnson said. “This event exists to share knowledge, future trends and success stories that inspire, challenge beliefs and spark change. I’m confident that every executive left the event with at least one game-changing idea or initiative to take back to their teams.”

Cracking the Amazon Code:
the first-ever DSU breakout session on eCommerce strategies

Addressing Amazon

Amazon. The eCommerce goliath has been the elephant in the room for years, and for the first time, Direct Selling University tackled the challenge head-on. Without shying away from the complexities of the issue, DSU offered multiple opportunities for participants to listen and learn from experts about how to alter their approach to what is arguably the industry’s biggest competitor.

Blake Mallen, Author, President of Prüvit, delivered the most talked about speech of the event, as well as a break-out workshop session that drew more than 150 attendees, discussing his proven Amazon strategy.

“A lot of customers buying on Amazon assume they are buying from the company directly, and when they receive a damaged or expired product, they’ll either blow up the support team with their complaints or—worse—blast Amazon with negative reviews,” Mallen said. “This stuff can cause serious potential long-term damage to our brands. When you share the message that anyone can start today with the same opportunity to change their life, but when there are different prices for different people, it can erode the very heart of what our channel stands for.”

Continuing the event’s conversation about how to become customer-obsessed, Mallen explained the importance of setting an intentional Amazon game plan, telling attendees that winning the Amazon game begins with controlling their brand’s footprint on Amazon.

Founder and Chairman, Xyngular

“This is not the future—this is the present,” Mallen said. “Amazon is a key part of the customer journey today, which means this cannot be ignored. This is something we as a channel need to do not only for our companies—but for our communities—and make the shift our industry really needs.”

Rudy Revak, Founder and Chairman, Xyngular, reminded leaders of the importance of taking care of new distributors and helping the sales force stay persistent and positive.

Chief Brand Officer, Direct Selling News

Shelley Rojas, Chief Brand Officer, Direct Selling News, and Heather Chastain, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bridgehead Collective and Direct Selling News Strategic Advisor, announced a new social community platform for DSN Supporters, as well as a new entry-level of Support, the Advocate, that will enhance the user experience and open up becoming a part of Direct Selling News to many more companies.

Magnus Brännström /
President & CEO, Oriflame

Magnus Brännström, President & Chief Executive Officer, Oriflame, focused on the ways the pandemic impacted work trends and how Oriflame reorganized its brand experience structure to improve the product, customer, digital, social selling and employee culture experiences.

Lynne Coté, President and Chief Executive Officer, Princess House, and Laura Beitler, Chief Global Sales Officer, Rodan + Fields, in a conversation with Heather Chastain, discussed the importance of transparency in creating alignment between the home office and the field in the midst of change and challenges.

From left:
HEATHER CHASTAIN / Founder & CEO, Bridgehead Collective, Direct Selling News Strategic Advisor
Lynne Coté / President and Chief Executive Officer, Princess House
Laura Beitler / Chief Global Sales Officer, Rodan + Fields

Dan Macuga, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, USANA, illustrated the power of their “Start Something” campaign and offered a how-to for companies wanting to create similar initiatives that drive customer engagement, loyalty and connection.

Amber Snow, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Amway, shared how executives can make DE&I more than just a buzzword in their companies by facing the fact that people of color make up only 14 percent of direct selling representatives and persuaded leaders to make a commitment to listen, learn and act.

Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, USANA

Amanda Tress, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, FASTer Way to Fat Loss, shared the simplicity of her company’s one-tier micro-influencer marketing model, and why she believes it could be a powerful strategy for companies fearing FTC scrutiny and enhanced regulations.

Glenn Sanford, Founder, eXp Realty, Chief Executive Officer, eXp World Holdings and SUCCESS, in an interview with Stuart Johnson, discussed the strategy behind eXp Realty’s hypergrowth and why a focus on agent experience has built a collaborative culture that drives value.

Wayne Moorehead, Marketing and Branding Expert and Host of the Direct Approach Podcast, in an interview with Stuart Johnson, reflected on the hot topics and trends discussed during interviews with leaders from 30 different companies who represent $30 billion in revenue.

Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Amway

Russ Moorehead, Chief Marketing Officer, Nu Skin, exposed five myths direct selling companies often fall prey to, and why the latest shopping trends give direct-to-consumer companies a significant advantage.

Patrick Wright, Chief Executive Officer, AdvoCare, gave a behind-the-scenes look at the company’s 2019 FTC settlement and described how seeing limitations as opportunities has allowed AdvoCare to increase its customer conversion rate by 10x while better serving their affiliates.

Founder & CEO, FASTer Way to Fat Loss

Jesse McKinney, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Red Aspen, shared a sneak peek into the company’s 2023 strategy, including four pillars—sustainability, technology initiatives, Tik Tok-style training videos and a new Gen Z-focused product category—all inspired by her experience at DSU Spring 2022.

Nick Martinez, Top Distributor, Prüvit, encouraged industry leaders to embrace distributors who are building influence instead of recruiting and why consistently creating social media content can be the key to unlocking top earner potential.

Noah Westerlund, Executive Vice President, NOW Tech, in a conversation with Wayne Moorehead, discussed the importance of Quick Commerce and long-form landing pages to increase conversion rates.

Michele Gay, Co-Founder & Chairwoman, LimeLife by Alcone, described the toll the pandemic took on women especially, and how the Three Laws of Performance helped her sales field and staff overcome the fixed mindsets and patterns of excuses that two years of living in a socially distanced world had created.

From left: STUART JOHNSON / CEO of Direct Selling News,
Direct Selling Partners & NOW Tech
WAYNE MOOREHEAD / Host of Direct Approach Podcast

Ben Riley, President, Young Living, reminded participants of the importance of disruption and how direct selling leaders can leverage small-scale innovation and strategic change management to outsmart gig economy competitors.

Brandy Huyser, Director of XS Energy and Next Gen Strategy, Amway/XS, reflected on 20 years of adventure as the XS Energy brand built momentum by upending business-as-usual at Amway, staying focused on the field, controlling the supply chain through local manufacturing and creation and designing a youth-driven culture.

Michele Gay /
Co-Founder & Chairwoman, LimeLife by Alcone

Jason Dorsey, President, Center for Generational Kinetics, Speaker and Researcher, offered a sneak peek at the first-ever generational research study conducted in direct selling that he will be leading for Direct Selling News to uncover how to quickly connect with, build trust and drive influence across generations.

Gina Ghura, Chief Marketing Officer, MONAT, offered advice for building consumer love through relationship building, personalized customer experiences, distinctive product offerings and a compensation plan that rewards customer acquisition and retention.

Garrett McGrath / President, ANMP

Rajneesh Chopra, Chief Commercial Officer, Immunotec, shared how the company invested in technology and opened new markets and manufacturing facilities during the pandemic, resulting in tremendous growth that is moving them forward in the midst of a cooling economy.

Garrett McGrath, President, ANMP, talked about the power of tiny gains and how improving by one percent every day in the areas of customer retention, community building and compensation strategies can build unstoppable momentum.

Dana Roefer, Author, Entrepreneur and Direct Selling Strategist, highlighted takeaways from her book Shopping Social and shared how education is crucial for helping consumers understand how social shopping can connect them with products that support their best life.

Executive Vice President of Network & Business Development, PPLSI

Darnell Self, Executive Vice President of Network and Business Development, PPLSI, shared his insights as both a field leader and industry executive, shining a light on the undervalued priorities of effective communication and a healthy team culture.

Gordon Hester, General Manager Sales, North America, PM-International AG, explained how culture is the biggest differentiator in business, and why focusing on revenue drivers and profitability can prevent feelings of entitlement and division within the field.

Must-See (In-Person) Events

The energy of this DSU—the first in-person fall version ever held—was inspiring, and the feedback received was overwhelmingly positive—making this Direct Selling University one of the most successful to date.

Planning for the next DSU event in April of 2023 in Frisco, Texas is underway, and the momentum and excitement is already building.

From the December 2022 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post DSU Fall 2022: Lessons for an Evolving channel first appeared on Direct Selling News.
