DSU - Direct Selling News https://www.directsellingnews.com The News You Need. The Name You Trust. Thu, 28 Dec 2023 23:06:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.directsellingnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/DSN-favicon-150x150.png DSU - Direct Selling News https://www.directsellingnews.com 32 32 7 Top Takeaways for Executives from DSU Fall 2023 https://www.directsellingnews.com/2023/12/22/7-top-takeways-dsu-fall-2023/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=7-top-takeways-dsu-fall-2023 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 18:17:11 +0000 https://www.directsellingnews.com/?p=20493 As always, DSU was jam-packed with amazing content from amazing speakers. My notebook was crammed with all kinds of great ideas, helpful stats and interesting approaches worth considering for my own business. I learned something new from every single presenter.

The post 7 Top Takeaways for Executives from DSU Fall 2023 first appeared on Direct Selling News.

As always, DSU was jam-packed with amazing content from amazing speakers. My notebook was crammed with all kinds of great ideas, helpful stats and interesting approaches worth considering for my own business. I learned something new from every single presenter.

But how do you turn all of that learning into action? The key is to pin down a handful of revelations that rose to the top, and then do something with them! In an effort to help us all take action, whether you were there or not, here are the next steps I would encourage any executive to take, inspired by Fall DSU 2023. 

1 / Get Serious About the Hispanic Market

The most blatantly clear takeaway from DSU was a lot of companies growing in the US have one thing in common: a commitment to the Hispanic market. This was a key point in about four different presentations. Whether you decide to target the Hispanic market or not, every executive needs to be intentional about how you’re thinking about this market, both globally and especially in the US.


2 / Simplify until It Hurts

John Alcala, CEO of It Works!, reminded us of just how much distributors have on their plates…and that’s before we add all of our stuff (promotions, incentives, announcements, launches…) to the mix! We all talk about simplifying our business, but do we really do it? To experience the kind of simplicity that actually prompts growth and duplication, you’ve got to shed some of the secondary “stuff” that only gets in the way for the average distributor. Go find it and do something about it.

3 / Experiment, Learn and Adapt

pawTree Founder and CEO Roger Morgan walked us through a few scenarios where the company identified a problem; came up with a possible solution; and launched quickly. Some worked well; some didn’t; and some only worked within very specific circumstances, but not others. The takeaways from his specific examples were helpful, but the biggest takeaway is this: am I tracking everything I do well enough to know if it works and why? And then do I keep iterating to see the improvement?

4 / Compare Your Business to Neora

A huge perk of DSU was hearing from Founder and CEO Jeff Olson and Co-CEO Deborah K. Heisz from Neora about their journey in their case against the FTC. The work they’ve done is so vital for every single one of us—both in terms of validating what we do and also shedding light on how we should do it. But in Stuart Johnson’s words, “If you’re still doing things the wrong way, this is not a win for you!” Deb shared some of the elements of Neora’s business (like 80 percent of those who buy from them are Customers and receive no commission) that strengthened their case. It’s in no way the hard-and-fast rule that must be followed, but if you need a standard to compare yourself against, it sounds like we just got a new one.

BLAKE MALLEN / President, Prüvit

5 / Start Using AI (whether you want to or not!)

I’ll admit I’ve been slow to jump on the AI bandwagon. It can feel a bit overwhelming to understand. And it can feel like “just one more thing,” when I’ve already got enough “things” in my life. But after listening to Blake Mallen and Brandon White talk about how they’re putting AI to use right now, I realized my excuses hold little weight compared to the unbelievable benefits that can come from incorporating AI into how I work and live. Rather than figure it all out, I’m simply dedicating 15 minutes a day to using AI in some form or fashion. It’s the only way I’ll learn it and appreciate it. Maybe you should, too.

6 / Success Is in the Segmentation

No single speaker focused on segmentation as a topic, but many alluded to it. Bridgehead Collective’s Founder and CEO Heather Chastain’s generational research certainly shines a bright light on the need for us to segment what we do. The panel on affiliate programs (and how different each program is) certainly showcases how companies are trying to segment the opportunity in new ways. We even learned of the differences among segments within the Hispanic market. We can all do a better job of segmentation. Whatever is holding you back—technology, resources, know-how, WHATEVER!—let’s make 2024 the year we do something about it.

7 / What We Do Still Matters

Vivian Mokome, Founder and CEO of Vivian Mokome Projects, shared a heartfelt reminder that direct selling changes lives…and, in her estimation, can change continents! She sees direct selling as a prominent force for change in Africa. We must evolve as a channel and respond to the market in terms of what it wants and how it wants it. But we cannot lose sight of the actual life changes that have occurred and continue to occur, no matter how tempted we may be to downplay it in the midst of so many changes. Remind yourself of the greater good your company pursues and provides regularly. There’s no other fuel like it.

Were there more takeaways at DSU? You bet!
This is just a starting place. If you were there, think back to the points above in context of your own experience and determine what makes sense for your company. If you weren’t there, this list can still prompt extremely helpful conversations for your team. And bring them to DSU 2024! DSN

Note from the Editorial Staff: We’re excited to include these insights from industry expert Brett Duncan. Look for more content from Brett in the coming months on the pages of DSN.

Brett Duncan specializes in helping direct selling companies evolve into modern social selling models while still maintaining the culture and essence of who they are and what makes them different. He is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Strategic Choice Partners, a business development firm that helps direct selling companies take their next steps.

From the December 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post 7 Top Takeaways for Executives from DSU Fall 2023 first appeared on Direct Selling News.

A Direct Selling (R)evolution https://www.directsellingnews.com/2023/06/09/a-direct-selling-revolution/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-direct-selling-revolution Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:52:37 +0000 https://www.directsellingnews.com/?p=19094 DSU Spring 2023: More than 500 direct selling executives gathered for inspiration, networking and game-changing advice from industry insiders.

The post A Direct Selling (R)evolution first appeared on Direct Selling News.

DSU Spring 2023: More than 500 direct selling executives gathered for inspiration, networking and game-changing advice from industry insiders.

Now more than ever, the direct selling industry has proven its resilience over the last three years. Breakout stars like industry mainstay PM-International celebrated its 29th year of consecutive growth. Herbalife Nutrition saw revenue top $5.2 billion and Amway, the number one direct selling brand in the world for the eleventh straight year, enjoyed revenues of $8.1 billion.

Amid these accomplishments, companies who only recently unlocked the best strategy to address the rapidly evolving marketplace post-pandemic, have now emerged from the chaos to face new and different challenges. Hot button topics like Generative AI, ChatGPT and the potential shift to incorporate omnichannel and affiliate model strategies into the existing direct selling structure are all swirling in the industry ether, presenting an interesting learning curve for executives.

At the spring session of Direct Selling University, more than 500 executives gathered to network with their peers and learn from 40 presenters who shared expert insight and the latest innovations regarding some of the most complicated challenges facing leaders today. Through their keynote addresses, workshops and power-packed panels, attendees had the opportunity to learn from acquisition success stories, gain new perspective from tech leaders and discuss the power of an effective Amazon strategy.


“We kicked off the event with our invitation-only CEO Forum,” said Stuart Johnson, CEO, Direct Selling Partners, DSN and NOW Tech. “Eighty C-Level executives representing $50 billion in global revenue came together and shared their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing the channel in a private, relaxed and very candid open forum. Remarkably, over 70 percent of them were repeat attendees, and this group would not come back together unless they were getting tremendous, measurable value by taking the time to be in that room.”

Unlocking New Strategies

Inspiring change at scale requires an open mindset and a safe environment to explore new concepts. At DSU, executives had the opportunity to learn from each other; share their experiences; and make new connections that will help them boldly lead and cast vision for their respective companies in 2023.


“One way or another, all of us are in a state of evolution. And, in some way or another, we are all in the middle of a revolution,” Johnson said. “Over two days, executives took time away from their day to day to rethink, reimagine, redefine and renew their commitment to the millions of entrepreneurs and customers that serve their companies on a daily basis. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but at DSN and DSU, we bring early reads on emerging ideas and trusted advice from vetted industry insiders and fresh ideas from new voices to inspire, spark change and collectively build a better future for our industry. I am confident that each executive left with at least one—if not five—game-changing ideas or initiatives to take back and consider with their teams.”

Stuart Johnson, CEO of Direct Selling Partners, DSN and NOW Tech, set the stage for candid conversations about the industry’s struggles, challenges and best practices, while highlighting the companies who exhibited three consecutive years of growth.


Blake Mallen, Billion-Dollar Brand-Building and Community Marketing Strategist, discussed the importance of being on the right side of disruption; why the velocity of innovation matters more than ever before; and how creating a platform can expand brand influence in exponential ways.

Brandon White, File Finder Founder and CEO, examined the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT and offered new and innovative ways companies can leverage it to improve efficiency and cost savings.

Brian Underwood, Prüvit CEO, talked about how leaders can create a brand that is built to last through becoming aware of the company they are becoming.

Crayton Webb, Sunwest Communications Owner and CEO, spoke of the importance of telling positive stories to bank credibility for times of reputation crisis and shared the top five content categories that every team should be prioritizing.

Curtis Call, Xyngular Chief Sales Officer, pointed out how consistency in behavior, routines and character mixed with “wow elements” build trust, resulting in relationships that help move a business forward.


Emre Tuna, Farmasi Co-CEO and President, illustrated how to create a successful global expansion strategy and revealed his brand’s keys to an effective launch.

Erin King, a Digital Persuasion Expert and Chief Digital Officer, shared key findings discovered from working with AI, including why specificity rules when relying on robots to develop content and why humans are still a critical part of working with these digital machines.

Heather Chastain, Bridgehead Collective Founder and CEO and DSN Strategic Advisor, unveiled data discovered through a generational study of how different demographics perceive the direct selling industry, and proved the importance of combatting negative messages with age-specific language.


Jeannie Price, USANA Executive Vice President of Sales Americas, Europe showed how USANA moved beyond competing to winning by embracing change; simplifying its compensation plan; and how affiliate marketing has enhanced their customer experience.

Jesse McKinney, Red Aspen Co-Founder and CEO, discussed how they captured the younger demographic by reworking their product categories and packaging line to become more sustainable and Gen Z-friendly.

John Wadsworth, Jr., Partner.Co Chief Brand Partner Officer, told the origin story of Partner.Co and how he and his team wove a number of disparate brands together to become one cohesive unit.

Kent Wood, Amare Global CFO, shared the five prioritized pillars of Amare’s Year of Transformation, including changes in perceptions, culture, customer experience, brand and global business expansion strategies that led to positive 2022 results.


Kindra Hall, Bestselling Author and Storytelling Expert, expressed how story helps brands connect with people and illustrate value and offered specific strategies companies can follow to tap into their own storytelling superpower.

Kody Bateman, Promptings Founder and Chief Visionary Officer, explained how connecting with content on a constant basis can actually create disconnection and how companies can brand their mission with story to help people find and build community.


Marc Ashley, Market America Worldwide/SHOP.COM President and COO, discussed how leaders can protect their brands and intellectual property from unauthorized sellers by leveraging Amazon’s compliance technology, creating a zero-tolerance policy and developing a strategic approach to compete with and eradicate these unsanctioned sellers.

Melissa Thompson, BELLAME Founder and CEO, explained how her company leaned into an “affiliate equipped and network marketing blessed” model that removed all fees to participate and reinvigorated their entrepreneurship opportunity.

Noah Westerlund, NOW Technology President, gave a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the importance of a mapped-out sales system and how it can help companies properly onboard customers and distributors, measure results and make data-driven decisions.

Onyx Coale, LifeWave Senior Presidential Director, reminded executives about the characteristics of hero products and why duplication is essential for success.

Gene Tipps / Warren Schlichting / Josh Paine / Heather Chastain

Reco McCambry, Novae Founder, President and CEO, explained how FinTech is helping his company provide people with greater access to financial literacy, credit and capital to help close both the ownership gap and the wealth gap.

Sheryl Adkins-Green, Mary Kay Chief Experience Officer, shared the governing principles behind the Mary Kay brand and how their founder’s example taught them to prioritize treating every person they encounter in a way that makes them feel important, valued and respected.

Dawn Speaks, LimeLife by Alcone Regional Director and Gary Montalvo, LimeLife by Alcone Chief Development Officer, gave a leadership training masterclass that included their cheat sheet for the Three Laws of Performance.


Heather Chastain hosted a New CEO Panel with Josh Paine, IDLife CEOWarren Schlichting, LegalShield CEO; and Gene Tipps, Plexus CEO, to learn what keeps them up at night; how they help their people win; and what’s next for their companies.

Stuart Johnson led a panel discussion with Terry LaCore, LACORE Enterprises Owner and CEO; Jared Turner, Amare Global CEO; and John Wadsworth, Jr., Partner.Co Chief Brand Partner Officer, to discover the motivations, strategies and surprises involved in their successful acquisition accomplishments that together represent $1 billion in revenue.

A DSU Workshop panel featuring Amanda Tress, FASTer Way to Fat Loss Founder and CEOChristina Helwig, AdvoCare Senior Vice President of Sales and MarketingShanae Arave, ALIGN Co-Founder and CSOJesi Condor, ALIGN Co-Founder and CEO; and a Q & A session led by Heather Chastain and Stuart Johnson, discussed the benefits and hurdles faced as their brands successfully implemented an affiliate model.


Wayne Moorehead hosted an Amazon Success Panel with Marc Ashley, Market America/SHOP.COM President and COOAl Bala, Mannatech CEO and PresidentBlake Mallen, Billion-Dollar Brand-Building and Community Marketing Strategist and Jeannie Price, USANA Executive Vice President of Sales Americas, Europe, to discuss the role of Amazon in building customer trust; how to help distributors understand the vision behind an Amazon strategy; and the role strategic pricing plays in protecting value propositions.

From the June 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post A Direct Selling (R)evolution first appeared on Direct Selling News.

2023 Global Celebration | Honoring the channel’s innovators, achievers & visionaries https://www.directsellingnews.com/2023/06/01/2023-global-celebration-honoring-the-channels-innovators-achievers-visionaries/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=2023-global-celebration-honoring-the-channels-innovators-achievers-visionaries Thu, 01 Jun 2023 15:29:23 +0000 https://www.directsellingnews.com/?p=19020 Hundreds of people representing 53 companies from around the world attended in person. And thousands more watched the event via free livestream. Awards and honors were revealed in several categories, including a Lifetime Achievement Award, the Bravo Awards and the DSN Global 100 List.

The post 2023 Global Celebration | Honoring the channel’s innovators, achievers & visionaries first appeared on Direct Selling News.

It’s been a year of transition as direct selling companies and distributors continue to refine and redefine what it means to participate in the channel. While revenues for many companies remained flat or declined, several companies did report remarkable gains.

And—most importantly—companies across the industry continued to embrace and incorporate new methods of doing business to attract new people to the channel and to inspire current participants to expand their vision. There is much to celebrate.

And celebrate we did at the 14th DSN Global Celebration, a live hybrid event held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 in Frisco, Texas. It was an exciting night hosted by DSN Chief Brand Officer Shelley Rojas and DSN Strategic Advisor Heather Chastain. Hundreds of people representing 53 companies from around the world attended in person. And thousands more watched the event via free livestream. Awards and honors were revealed in several categories, including a Lifetime Achievement Award, the Bravo Awards and the DSN Global 100 List.

Lifetime Achievement Award

For only the third time, DSN bestowed its Lifetime Achievement Award. This prestigious award was given to a true legend in direct selling, Rudy Revak.

Rudy is the craftsman behind multiple highly successful direct selling companies including Symmetry and Xyngular, which he founded in 1995 and 2009 respectively and was instrumental in the acquisition and rebranding of PUREhaven in 2016. He’s also the Chairman and Founder of Global Ventures Partners, an investment capital firm committed to creating opportunities for common people to achieve uncommon results.

Stuart Johnson and Rudy Revak

Born in Germany and the son of a World War II refugee, he escaped to America when he was just five years old. He’s a living breathing example of the American Dream in its purest, most inspirational form.

When asked to reflect on his years in the industry and what it has meant to him, Rudy spoke eloquently of the impact direct selling has had on his life. “I’ve loved this industry for all these years. I’m still in it because I love it—not just for what it has done for me, but for what it continues to do for so many people. It provides the opportunity for people to reach their dreams. I would do it all over again, 100 percent.”

The two previous recipients, John Fleming and Stan Frederick, were on hand to warmly welcome Rudy into this illustrious club. To read more about Rudy’s enduring legacy, please see page 60.

The Bravo Awards

Each year the Bravo Awards panel recognizes companies for outstanding achievement and excellence in areas of leadership and the highest percentage of revenue growth. Specialty awards are also given to individuals and companies for their achievements in and service to the direct selling channel.

ROLF SORG , PM-International / Recipient of the Bravo Leadership Award

The Bravo Leadership Award is given to an individual, recognizing outstanding achievement and exceptional leadership of a direct selling executive. This year’s recipient was Rolf Sorg, Founder and CEO of PM-International in honor of his visionary leadership and strategic direction he has displayed throughout the 30-year history of the company. PM-International is now ranked #8 on the DSN Global 100 list with $2.55 billion in 2022 revenue and a presence in 45 countries.

The Bravo Global Good Award recognizes companies that take a proactive approach to environmental, philanthropic and social responsibility issues. This year the honor went to Arbonne. Arbonne is known for its passionate commitment to empowerment, transparency and sustainability. In 2022, Arbonne earned recertification for its B Corporation status. Among Arbonne’s recertification achievements are a reduction in water consumption globally by 60 percent; a 55 percent reduction in Scope I and II emissions since 2019; and a 42 percent decrease in electricity consumption since 2019.

DSN honored three companies with the Bravo Impact Award this year. The award recognizes the achievements of well-rounded companies that take a holistic, measured and incremental approach to growth, innovation and operational integrity and excellence. These companies positively impact their customers, distributors, staff, communities and the channel as a whole. They are helping to lead the way forward in shifting the public perception of direct selling.

The first award went to LegalShield. LegalShield has devoted the past 50 years to providing affordable assistance with everyday legal matters from wills and real estate to family law and consumer issues, as well as privacy management. LegalShield has served 4.5 million people and more than 140,000 businesses and taken over 50 million requests for legal services since its inception and has paid out over $1 billion in commissions over the past ten years.

The second Impact award honoree was Princess House. Celebrating their 60th anniversary this year, Princess House is marking this milestone with an unprecedented period of growth. They credit this success to creating a true partnership with the field. Their field, comprised mostly of Latina women, have embraced a new digital approach that has greatly expanded their reach. A streamlined product offering and a philosophy of training up has increased their overall order size by 40 percent.

Recipient of the Bravo Impact Award

The final recipient of the Impact Award was LimeLife by Alcone. Plunging ahead into the unexpected and refusing to fit in is part of this company’s DNA. Having started in 1952 selling stage makeup to Broadway performers, Alcone eventually grew into a nationwide leader in professional makeup for the television, film and theatrical industries. The company’s commitment to quality, DEI-focused strategies and passion for female entrepreneurship is nothing short of inspirational!

Two Bravo Growth Awards were bestowed on domestic direct selling companies. This prestigious award celebrates the direct selling company with the highest year-over-year revenue growth on the Global 100 List. One is given to a product-based company, and another is given to a service-based company.

This year’s product-based Bravo Growth Award was given to Princess House. This market leader in kitchenware and home goods grew 114 percent between 2019 and 2022.

The service-based award was given to eXp Realty for the third year in a row. The company has well over 85,000 independent agents worldwide and continues to grow at an exponential rate. In fact, this publicly traded company grew from $3.8 billion in 2021 to $4.6 billion in 2022. An $800 million-dollar increase representing 21 percent in year-over-year growth.

Two Bravo International Growth Awards were also announced. These were also given to one product-based company and one service-based company.

The product-based winner was no stranger to the Global Celebration stage. Based in Luxembourg, PM-International has enjoyed 29 years of continuous growth. They are on quite a run, growing from $1.7 billion in 2020 to $2.38 billion in 2021 and achieving $2.55 billion in 2022.

Utility Warehouse won in the service-based category. This UK-based company ranked #10 on the Global 100 this year.

DSN added two new awards to the Bravo line up this year. The first, the Bravo Innovator Award, recognizes direct selling companies that embrace and deploy the emerging technologies and future-focused strategies that propel the company forward and serve as an inspiration of what’s possible. The inaugural Bravo Innovator Award was given to FASTer Way To Fat Loss.

The final award of the evening was the Bravo Excellence Award, another new award this year. This recognition is reserved for executives with a long history of leadership, excellence and integrity. These individuals are champions of the channel and positive mentors to all who serve it. The award was given to John Parker, Chief Sales Officer and Regional President West of Amway.

For more in-depth information of our Bravo Award winners, please see our expanded coverage starting on page 66.

The Global 100 List

One of the most eagerly anticipated announcements each year at the Global Celebration is the unveiling of the Global 100 list. This list determines the top direct selling companies in the world for 2022. Inclusion on the Global 100 has become a point of much-deserved pride.

The List offers a unique perspective on the global impact of the industry by recognizing companies’ revenue achievements. Recognition for each of these companies is the culmination of months of research and the cooperation of many individuals around the world.

This year’s DSN Global 100 list acknowledges 53 companies achieving more than $100 million in revenue for 2022. Full coverage of the list as well as analysis on important and emerging trends can be found starting on page 114.

Oh, What a Night!

The DSN Global Celebration is the industry awards event of the year—a night designed to celebrate, inspire and motivate! If you missed the broadcast, you can catch it on replay at DSNG100.com for a limited time. Gathering together in person creates an incredibly positive sense of community and energy within the room—the magic of those moments is definitely must-see viewing for supporters of the channel.

From the 53 thriving companies on the Global 100 List to the 11 Bravo Award winners and our Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Rudy Revak, DSN recognized the best of the best of the channel we all love and believe in.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to the hundreds in the room and thousands of viewers worldwide. And a sincere thank you to all our Supporter Companies and Supplier Sponsors for helping DSN provide this night of celebration, recognition and camaraderie. 

From the June 2023 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post 2023 Global Celebration | Honoring the channel’s innovators, achievers & visionaries first appeared on Direct Selling News.

DSU Fall 2022: Lessons for an Evolving channel https://www.directsellingnews.com/2022/12/02/dsu-fall-2022-lessons-for-an-evolving-channel/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=dsu-fall-2022-lessons-for-an-evolving-channel Fri, 02 Dec 2022 18:24:06 +0000 https://www.directsellingnews.com/?p=17756 Direct selling executives need insight and fresh ideas now more than ever before. In one of the most challenging years in direct selling history, leaders faced continued lockdowns in certain markets, changing consumer behaviors, a tense regulatory environment and lingering supply chain issues.

The post DSU Fall 2022: Lessons for an Evolving channel first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Hundreds of direct selling executives gathered in person and virtually to share game-changing insight of a channel in a state of transition.
Stuart Johnson
STUART JOHNSON / CEO of Direct Selling News, Direct Selling Partners & NOW Tech

Direct selling executives need insight and fresh ideas now more than ever before. In one of the most challenging years in direct selling history, leaders faced continued lockdowns in certain markets, changing consumer behaviors, a tense regulatory environment and lingering supply chain issues.

To provide practical solutions, Direct Selling University enlisted more than 25 of the industry’s leading executives to share unique perspectives and new approaches regarding some of the most complex issues facing the channel today.

We kicked off DSU with the CEO Forum, one of our highest rated events, and had 75 executives in the room representing $43 billion in revenue,” said Stuart Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Direct Selling News, Direct Selling Partners and NOW Tech. “We talked about omnichannel strategies, fighting field fatigue (our industry’s version of quiet quitting), attracting the next generation, industry reputation and the rise of affiliate models in the marketplace.”

Johnson cast vision for attendees, calling them to move beyond customer-centric thinking to becoming customer-obsessed. Following his lead, speakers provided tangible ways to improve customer conversion rates, improve salesforce morale, upgrade training systems, drive revenue and create authentic connection with customers.

“DSU gives leaders the chance to open their minds to a bigger picture,” Johnson said. “This event exists to share knowledge, future trends and success stories that inspire, challenge beliefs and spark change. I’m confident that every executive left the event with at least one game-changing idea or initiative to take back to their teams.”

Cracking the Amazon Code:
the first-ever DSU breakout session on eCommerce strategies

Addressing Amazon

Amazon. The eCommerce goliath has been the elephant in the room for years, and for the first time, Direct Selling University tackled the challenge head-on. Without shying away from the complexities of the issue, DSU offered multiple opportunities for participants to listen and learn from experts about how to alter their approach to what is arguably the industry’s biggest competitor.

Blake Mallen, Author, President of Prüvit, delivered the most talked about speech of the event, as well as a break-out workshop session that drew more than 150 attendees, discussing his proven Amazon strategy.

“A lot of customers buying on Amazon assume they are buying from the company directly, and when they receive a damaged or expired product, they’ll either blow up the support team with their complaints or—worse—blast Amazon with negative reviews,” Mallen said. “This stuff can cause serious potential long-term damage to our brands. When you share the message that anyone can start today with the same opportunity to change their life, but when there are different prices for different people, it can erode the very heart of what our channel stands for.”

Continuing the event’s conversation about how to become customer-obsessed, Mallen explained the importance of setting an intentional Amazon game plan, telling attendees that winning the Amazon game begins with controlling their brand’s footprint on Amazon.

Founder and Chairman, Xyngular

“This is not the future—this is the present,” Mallen said. “Amazon is a key part of the customer journey today, which means this cannot be ignored. This is something we as a channel need to do not only for our companies—but for our communities—and make the shift our industry really needs.”

Rudy Revak, Founder and Chairman, Xyngular, reminded leaders of the importance of taking care of new distributors and helping the sales force stay persistent and positive.

Chief Brand Officer, Direct Selling News

Shelley Rojas, Chief Brand Officer, Direct Selling News, and Heather Chastain, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Bridgehead Collective and Direct Selling News Strategic Advisor, announced a new social community platform for DSN Supporters, as well as a new entry-level of Support, the Advocate, that will enhance the user experience and open up becoming a part of Direct Selling News to many more companies.

Magnus Brännström /
President & CEO, Oriflame

Magnus Brännström, President & Chief Executive Officer, Oriflame, focused on the ways the pandemic impacted work trends and how Oriflame reorganized its brand experience structure to improve the product, customer, digital, social selling and employee culture experiences.

Lynne Coté, President and Chief Executive Officer, Princess House, and Laura Beitler, Chief Global Sales Officer, Rodan + Fields, in a conversation with Heather Chastain, discussed the importance of transparency in creating alignment between the home office and the field in the midst of change and challenges.

From left:
HEATHER CHASTAIN / Founder & CEO, Bridgehead Collective, Direct Selling News Strategic Advisor
Lynne Coté / President and Chief Executive Officer, Princess House
Laura Beitler / Chief Global Sales Officer, Rodan + Fields

Dan Macuga, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, USANA, illustrated the power of their “Start Something” campaign and offered a how-to for companies wanting to create similar initiatives that drive customer engagement, loyalty and connection.

Amber Snow, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Amway, shared how executives can make DE&I more than just a buzzword in their companies by facing the fact that people of color make up only 14 percent of direct selling representatives and persuaded leaders to make a commitment to listen, learn and act.

Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, USANA

Amanda Tress, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, FASTer Way to Fat Loss, shared the simplicity of her company’s one-tier micro-influencer marketing model, and why she believes it could be a powerful strategy for companies fearing FTC scrutiny and enhanced regulations.

Glenn Sanford, Founder, eXp Realty, Chief Executive Officer, eXp World Holdings and SUCCESS, in an interview with Stuart Johnson, discussed the strategy behind eXp Realty’s hypergrowth and why a focus on agent experience has built a collaborative culture that drives value.

Wayne Moorehead, Marketing and Branding Expert and Host of the Direct Approach Podcast, in an interview with Stuart Johnson, reflected on the hot topics and trends discussed during interviews with leaders from 30 different companies who represent $30 billion in revenue.

Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Amway

Russ Moorehead, Chief Marketing Officer, Nu Skin, exposed five myths direct selling companies often fall prey to, and why the latest shopping trends give direct-to-consumer companies a significant advantage.

Patrick Wright, Chief Executive Officer, AdvoCare, gave a behind-the-scenes look at the company’s 2019 FTC settlement and described how seeing limitations as opportunities has allowed AdvoCare to increase its customer conversion rate by 10x while better serving their affiliates.

Founder & CEO, FASTer Way to Fat Loss

Jesse McKinney, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Red Aspen, shared a sneak peek into the company’s 2023 strategy, including four pillars—sustainability, technology initiatives, Tik Tok-style training videos and a new Gen Z-focused product category—all inspired by her experience at DSU Spring 2022.

Nick Martinez, Top Distributor, Prüvit, encouraged industry leaders to embrace distributors who are building influence instead of recruiting and why consistently creating social media content can be the key to unlocking top earner potential.

Noah Westerlund, Executive Vice President, NOW Tech, in a conversation with Wayne Moorehead, discussed the importance of Quick Commerce and long-form landing pages to increase conversion rates.

Michele Gay, Co-Founder & Chairwoman, LimeLife by Alcone, described the toll the pandemic took on women especially, and how the Three Laws of Performance helped her sales field and staff overcome the fixed mindsets and patterns of excuses that two years of living in a socially distanced world had created.

From left: STUART JOHNSON / CEO of Direct Selling News,
Direct Selling Partners & NOW Tech
WAYNE MOOREHEAD / Host of Direct Approach Podcast

Ben Riley, President, Young Living, reminded participants of the importance of disruption and how direct selling leaders can leverage small-scale innovation and strategic change management to outsmart gig economy competitors.

Brandy Huyser, Director of XS Energy and Next Gen Strategy, Amway/XS, reflected on 20 years of adventure as the XS Energy brand built momentum by upending business-as-usual at Amway, staying focused on the field, controlling the supply chain through local manufacturing and creation and designing a youth-driven culture.

Michele Gay /
Co-Founder & Chairwoman, LimeLife by Alcone

Jason Dorsey, President, Center for Generational Kinetics, Speaker and Researcher, offered a sneak peek at the first-ever generational research study conducted in direct selling that he will be leading for Direct Selling News to uncover how to quickly connect with, build trust and drive influence across generations.

Gina Ghura, Chief Marketing Officer, MONAT, offered advice for building consumer love through relationship building, personalized customer experiences, distinctive product offerings and a compensation plan that rewards customer acquisition and retention.

Garrett McGrath / President, ANMP

Rajneesh Chopra, Chief Commercial Officer, Immunotec, shared how the company invested in technology and opened new markets and manufacturing facilities during the pandemic, resulting in tremendous growth that is moving them forward in the midst of a cooling economy.

Garrett McGrath, President, ANMP, talked about the power of tiny gains and how improving by one percent every day in the areas of customer retention, community building and compensation strategies can build unstoppable momentum.

Dana Roefer, Author, Entrepreneur and Direct Selling Strategist, highlighted takeaways from her book Shopping Social and shared how education is crucial for helping consumers understand how social shopping can connect them with products that support their best life.

Executive Vice President of Network & Business Development, PPLSI

Darnell Self, Executive Vice President of Network and Business Development, PPLSI, shared his insights as both a field leader and industry executive, shining a light on the undervalued priorities of effective communication and a healthy team culture.

Gordon Hester, General Manager Sales, North America, PM-International AG, explained how culture is the biggest differentiator in business, and why focusing on revenue drivers and profitability can prevent feelings of entitlement and division within the field.

Must-See (In-Person) Events

The energy of this DSU—the first in-person fall version ever held—was inspiring, and the feedback received was overwhelmingly positive—making this Direct Selling University one of the most successful to date.

Planning for the next DSU event in April of 2023 in Frisco, Texas is underway, and the momentum and excitement is already building.

From the December 2022 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post DSU Fall 2022: Lessons for an Evolving channel first appeared on Direct Selling News.

Direct Selling University 2022 https://www.directsellingnews.com/2022/06/10/direct-selling-university-2022/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=direct-selling-university-2022 Fri, 10 Jun 2022 16:35:41 +0000 https://www.directsellingnews.com/?p=16623 The multi-day educational event offered new insight and strategies for connecting with a rapidly evolving market.

The post Direct Selling University 2022 first appeared on Direct Selling News.

The multi-day educational event offered new insight and strategies for connecting with a rapidly evolving market.
STUART JOHNSON / CEO of Direct Selling News, Direct Selling Partners & NOW Technologies

After a multi-year hiatus, Direct Selling University was back in-person at the Omni Hotel in Frisco, Texas, infused with more energy and excitement than ever before. The educational and networking opportunity, which has been held virtually during the pandemic, offered experience-based, high-impact insight into everything from improving communication and onboarding practices to the importance of sustainability and diversity.

“Being back in person for the first time in three years was incredibly energizing,” said Shelley Rojas, Publisher and Chief Brand Officer for Direct Selling News. “The human connectivity and interaction reuniting with our in-person attendees was inspiring and a lot of fun.”

Headlining the event was Jason Dorsey, author, speaker, researcher and President of The Center for Generational Kinetics, who shared an extensive data-backed look at the generational trends in consumer purchasing, recruitment, communication and engagement. His keynote address inspired an enthusiastic conversation among attendees about how companies can leverage their culture, technology, digital footprint, messaging tactics and customer service strategies to successfully reach even more people.

JASON DORSEY / President of The Center for Generational Kinetics

“It’s always important to have outside, expert perspectives to help everyone learn, grow, stretch and evolve individually and as a channel,” Rojas said. “Jason’s insights and research on generational trends are fascinating.”

Technology was by far the most discussed category among the generational divides, with Dorsey highlighting how each age group interacts with online platforms in unique ways. By honoring every generational segment within the industry, from Gen Z to Baby Boomers, and acknowledging their separate needs and preferences, Dorsey illustrated how the channel has the opportunity to become not only more relevant, but more effective as well.

“Direct selling has and will always be a people business,” Rojas said. “The more companies focus on how to understand and embrace people from every generation for their strengths and communication styles combined with diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in their decision making and culture building, we believe significant shifts and evolution can happen.”

Edify and Inform

KATY HOLT-LARSEN / President & CEO, Kyäni

This year’s lineup featured more than 30 speakers from top performing direct selling brands, rising stars within the industry, marketing experts and innovators, with thought leaders and top executives from companies around the world gathered to network, learn and share insights throughout the two-day event.

“At DSN, we strive to edify, inform and educate the channel and the executives that lead it,” said Stuart Johnson, Direct Selling News Founder and CEO. “Direct Selling University serves as a strong foundation for that goal by bringing together some of the channel’s most prominent executives, champions and thought leaders. We create an open, transparent environment that’s designed to foster the sharing of ideas and best practices for the betterment of direct selling as a whole.”

Carrying that mission beyond the event, Direct Selling News also shared its new opportunities for connection, through the DSN VIP Community, a fully customizable text messaging platform that sends news alerts based on user preferences, and the DSN Membership Program, which provides exclusive training and educational opportunities to keep corporate staff members one step ahead with the most important trends and breaking news.

ROLF SORG / Founder & CEO, PM-International

“We’re in the midst of a strategic renaissance here at Direct Selling News and are eagerly looking for ways to share practical solutions to common challenges with the executives who are leading the future of this channel,” Rojas said.

Jason Dorsey, Author, Speaker and President of The Center for Generational Kinetics, brought decades’ worth of data to the stage, sharing the generational angles that no one is talking about and how paying attention to the differences in these segments can help companies future-proof their businesses.

Stuart Johnson, CEO, Direct Selling News, Direct Selling Partners & NOW Technologies, pointed out how the pandemic accelerated trends that were already in motion within the industry and how the channel can use sampling and referrals to capitalize on that customer-centric momentum.

Rolf Sorg, Founder & CEO, PM-International, illustrated how he used solution-oriented thinking to find opportunity within the challenges of the past year to exceed $2 billion in sales.

Sarah Shadonix, Founder & CEO, Scout & Cellar, shared some of her young company’s biggest mistakes and how learning from previous fumbles can help leaders build better businesses.

Brian Underwood, Co-Founder & CEO, Prüvit, and Terry Lacore, Founder & CEO, Lacore Enterprises, in a Q&A panel with Wayne Moorehead, Host of The Direct Approach Podcast, explained how their innovative partnership with Sunbasket is driving consumer engagement while building cost-effective and simple onramps for complicated products that develop loyal customers.

from left:
STUART JOHNSON / Founder & CEO, Direct Selling News
TARL ROBINSON / Founder & CEO, Plexus Worldwide
JOHN PARKER / West Region President & CSO, Amway
Mark Pentecost, Founder & Chairman, It Works!

John Parker, West Region President and Chief Sales Officer, Amway; Mark Pentecost, Founder & Chairman, It Works!; and Tarl Robinson, Founder & CEO, Plexus Worldwide, participated in a panel led by Stuart Johnson, and shared why investing in growth amid incredible momentum is critical; offered an inside look at Amway’s approach to sustaining an entrepreneurial culture while leading one of the most well-known brands in America; and how to embrace every phase of a company’s growth.

Ami Perry and Noah Westerlund of NOW Technologies leveraged their data analytics to illustrate how to improve adoption of digital platforms and increase recruitment and retention numbers.

Russ Fletcher, Chief Executive Officer, Xyngular, taught a Personal Development 101 course on stage, sharing how to involve distributors through quick, digital engagements while monitoring perceived value.

Shelley Rojas, Publisher and Chief Brand Officer, Direct Selling News, shared the many free resources available to direct selling executives to connect with breaking news, inspiring stories and education to find answers to everyday leadership challenges through DSN’s VIP community and vast masterclass archives with the DSN Membership Program.

DEBBIE BOLTON / Co-Founder, Norwex

Mike Lohner, President and Chief Financial Officer, Direct Selling Acquisition Corporation, provided an update on the first special purpose acquisition company entirely focused on the direct selling channel and traded on the New York Stock Exchange, including its overwhelmingly positive reception on the market that resulted in raising $230 million.

Kelly Bellerose, Senior Vice President, 4Life, used data from recent studies to explain how vital imagery is for brand communications and why cohesion through consistency, familiarity and repetition can form a brand language that draws in customers in a way that text alone never could.

Debbie Bolton, Co-Founder, Norwex, told the story of how she switched her mindset from a perspective of building a dynasty to creating a legacy, and how leading with the future in mind has helped her company stay relevant.

Daniel Picou, Founder and CEO, Vasayo, discussed lessons learned during international expansion into China, and how to build a sustainable business through steady growth built on customer loyalty and a flexible leadership team.

Co-Founders, Red Aspen with Heather Chastain

Kindra Hall, Author, Speaker and Storytelling Expert, explained why the stories we tell ourselves can limit our success, and offered an action plan for transforming the lives of potential superstar leaders by teaching them how to change their own storytelling.

Jesse McKinney, Amanda Moore, Genie Reese, Co-Founders, Red Aspen, interviewed by Heather Chastain, Founder & CEO, Bridgehead Collective and new Strategic Advisor at DSN, shared how they drive engagement through constantly refreshing their product offerings and why sharing all of their marketing assets and training materials publicly has decreased skepticism.

Kevin Guest, Chairman & CEO, USANA, talked about how 30 years of successful business has illustrated the importance of focusing on active customer counts rather than revenue to maintain the overall growth and long-term sustainability of a company.


Sinan Tuna, CEO North America, Farmasi, shared his perspective as a Gen Z leader and how his company has crafted a winning expansion strategy by being nimble, responsive and fast moving.

Wayne Moorehead, Marketing, Brand Strategy & Direct-to-Consumer Industry Expert and Host of The Direct Approach podcast, discussed the changing competitive landscapes direct sellers operate in and how companies can deliver a timely, relevant message across a growing array of customer touchpoints.

Katy Holt-Larsen, President and CEO, Kyäni, talked about how to take the industry to the next level by fighting back against “business as usual” and casting a resilient vision.

Stuart MacMillan, President, MONAT, pointed out the uniqueness of the channel and how an unwavering commitment to acquiring and satisfying customers is the best engine for growth and an effective defense against an ever-changing regulatory environment.

Crayton Webb, Founder & CEO, Sunwest Communications, shared lessons from pop culture about crisis preparedness and how quick, clear communication can prevent damage to a brand’s reputation.

Kirsten Aguilar, Executive Vice President of Global Marketing and SeneCare, SeneGence, shared how they have leveraged a collaboration with distributors who have massive social media followings to promote products in a budget-friendly, viral way.

DON THOMPSON / President, LegalShield

Paul Adams, Founder & CEO, Adams Resource Group, offered a blueprint for how to create, own and defend your company culture.

Deborah K. Heisz, Co-CEO, Neora, explained the importance of leading rather than reacting in a crisis and shared the key components of their success amid a lengthy battle with the FTC.

Heather Chastain, Founder & CEO, Bridgehead Collective, encouraged leaders to manage field expectations through realistic stories and thoughtful transparency to help them reach their goals.

JOHN ADDISON / CEO, Addison Leadership Group

Kindsey Pentecost, Chief Marketing Officer, It Works!, shared how authenticity, caring for their corporate team as well as the field, being willing to fail, and aligning their culture with their brand accelerated their growth and gave them a competitive advantage.

Don Thompson, President, LegalShield, discussed the challenges of being an established subscription-based service company with aging field leadership and their innovative solutions that honor these legacies while infusing energy into new recruits.

John Addison, Chief Executive Officer, Addison Leadership Group, called people to take charge of their thoughts and attitudes to cultivate a better life and become a person that people want to follow.

From the June 2022 issue of Direct Selling News magazine.

The post Direct Selling University 2022 first appeared on Direct Selling News.
